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Dump your e-waste today for FREE

Sandi Smith

Sandi is passionate about real estate. She started in the business early on...

Sandi is passionate about real estate. She started in the business early on...

Mar 27 2 minutes read

Dump your e-waste AND your guilt 

Got an old computer sitting in a corner? A busted TV? A couple of clam phones in the junk drawer? 

You know you shouldn't toss them. All that gunky, hazardous stuff in them. But you always miss the special recycling day. 

Aw, but that's OK, right? Because there's that other problem: your data. All your personal info just thrown out in the world? Plus, they'll make you pay to throw it away.

BONUS!  You haven't missed it—yet. 

It's TODAY, Saturday, May 7
9 a.m.–2 p.m.

And it's FREE and EASY and available to ANYONE, not just Ann Arborites.

Here's how it works:

  • Load your stuff in your car.
  • Drive to the Pioneer High School parking lot.
  • Get in one of the lines—and don't worry how long they are. They go fast. Organizers have a streamlined process to unload your e-waste. 
  • E-waste junk dumped.
  • Guilt dumped. 

Dump your data worries, too. Your equipment will be shredded so your data is destroyed.

You can read all about e-waste recycling day on this info sheet from Planet Blue of the University of Michigan. It's also sponsored by Ann Arbor Public Schools.

We may see you there! We Trilliumites are passionate about the environment in our workplace and homes—and this is a spectacular way to be good to our Earth.

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